Release: 0.0.41

Release: 0.0.41

Entity deletion capabilities

You can now delete entities (Resources, Apps, Credentials) from the dashboard. The capability is available to users with the Editor role and above.

Here’s how you can delete any entity

Additional Improvements

  1. You can now revoke an API token
  2. With improved support for pagination, tables are now infinitely scrollable
  3. Resources can now have multiple types of credentials

Steps to update

You can run the following command to upgrade to the latest version:

helm repo update &&
helm upgrade commandk commandk/commandk - values <values-file> - namespace <commandk-namespace> - version v0.0.41


To troubleshoot the upgrade, please follow the FAQ document provided at If you run into any issues, please get in touch with the CommandK team on your Slack connect channel.

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