Release 0.0.45

Release 0.0.45

This release introduces a key feature and includes several improvements to the user experience and our role-based access control (RBAC) model. We have also fixed several bugs to improve the stability.

New Features

Key-Value type of credentials

Our users have frequently requested a key-value type of credential, as seen in this feature request. Only higher-order credential types such as API Key, Username & Password, and SSH Key were available until now. However, we have now implemented a new feature that allows you to create a generic key-value pair type of secret.

Tabular representation of credentials

We have improved the UI for listing credentials under resources and apps. The new tabular view makes it easier to inspect individual credentials and includes an environment filter that allows you to list credentials defined in a specific environment.

Improved RBAC support

A user with the Member role will only have view-only access. This role should ideally be given to developers who only need to view metadata of the credentials belonging to their app but should not be able to create a new credential or even see the credential value.


After updating your instance to version 0.0.45, all users must log in again via GitHub.

Steps to update

You can run the following command to upgrade to the latest version:

helm repo update && 
helm upgrade commandk commandk/commandk --values <values-file> --namespace <commandk-namespace> --version v0.0.45

The newest tag for this release is:



To troubleshoot the upgrade, please follow the FAQ document provided at If you run into any issues, please get in touch with the CommandK team on your Slack connect channel.

Ready to start using

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